Hey Y'all!
Shiny just added me to this blog and I think it is really awesome. I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I love the name. Now I have just got to go and check out the "StumbleUpon" site also courtesy of Shiny!
See you soon!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Dear John, Let Me Count The Ways
How many different ways can you say, “I have to go to the bathroom?” Or how many different terms are there out there that we use for “toilet”?
Yeah. I know. Hear me out….
Sitting in the doctor’s office this morning, waiting for almost AN HOUR before he came into see me, I had realized my bladder was starting to fill up. No, I wasn’t in the waiting room that long, I was already trapped back in one of the patient rooms; I was beginning to wonder if they had forgotten about me.
Anyway, back to my bladder.
I’m sitting there getting all irritated that he is taking so long; with no reading material I also began to feel a little sleepy.
No. I did not pee my pants.
Being a tad bit irritated (from waiting), and a tad bit sleepy (from waiting) the following is what began to flow through my semi-consciousness…..
Doc: (when he finally arrives in my room) “So, how are you doing?”
Me: (suddenly startled from him walking in) “Oh, I’m OK I reckon except now I really have to go the bathroom.”
Here is what I came up with:
• Toilet
• Bathroom
• Restroom
• Washroom
• Latrine
• John
• the head
• powder room
• pisser
• outhouse
• lavatory
And while we’re at it, how did the bathroom get the nickname “John”?
Or, how about phrases for ‘I have to go to the bathroom’? –
I have to go – tinkle
I have to go – peepee
I have to go – see a man about a horse
I have to go – drain the main vein (submitted by CC)
I have to go – weewee
I have to go – urinate
I have to go – piss
Oh OK, I won’t hog all the fun – you got any good ones? I know you do.
Yes, this was a true story. Yes, it ALL went through my weird head.
Eventually I did get to see the doctor. No, I didn’t tell him I had to go pee. I put on my southern-learned charm and smiled big all the while behaving like a respectable, and proper, woman going to see the doc.
No. I am NOT pregnant. Let me just squelch those rumors right this very second! HA!
Yeah. I know. Hear me out….
Sitting in the doctor’s office this morning, waiting for almost AN HOUR before he came into see me, I had realized my bladder was starting to fill up. No, I wasn’t in the waiting room that long, I was already trapped back in one of the patient rooms; I was beginning to wonder if they had forgotten about me.
Anyway, back to my bladder.
I’m sitting there getting all irritated that he is taking so long; with no reading material I also began to feel a little sleepy.
No. I did not pee my pants.
Being a tad bit irritated (from waiting), and a tad bit sleepy (from waiting) the following is what began to flow through my semi-consciousness…..
Doc: (when he finally arrives in my room) “So, how are you doing?”
Me: (suddenly startled from him walking in) “Oh, I’m OK I reckon except now I really have to go the bathroom.”
Wait, I can’t say the word ‘bathroom’ and why on earth would I make that announcement to him anyway? No, I’ll use the word ‘restroom’. No, that’s not right either, although, it is probably a little more appropriate than the word ‘bathroom’. Oh hell, I’ll just tell him I have to go tinkle.
No! Wait! This would make a great blog entry; how many ways are there to say the word ‘bathroom’?
Here is what I came up with:
• Toilet
• Bathroom
• Restroom
• Washroom
• Latrine
• John
• the head
• powder room
• pisser
• outhouse
• lavatory
And while we’re at it, how did the bathroom get the nickname “John”?
Or, how about phrases for ‘I have to go to the bathroom’? –
I have to go – tinkle
I have to go – peepee
I have to go – see a man about a horse
I have to go – drain the main vein (submitted by CC)
I have to go – weewee
I have to go – urinate
I have to go – piss
Oh OK, I won’t hog all the fun – you got any good ones? I know you do.
Yes, this was a true story. Yes, it ALL went through my weird head.
Eventually I did get to see the doctor. No, I didn’t tell him I had to go pee. I put on my southern-learned charm and smiled big all the while behaving like a respectable, and proper, woman going to see the doc.
No. I am NOT pregnant. Let me just squelch those rumors right this very second! HA!
Friday, March 23, 2007
Good Lyrics for Friends
I've been listening to this song for a bit now. It was even on my last CD mix, Volumes.
Seems to be a perfect fit for people who understand the space between the fencepost and each other.
At least we dig each other
So when weakness turns my ego up
I know you'll count on the me from yesterday
If I turn into another
Dig me up from under what is covering
The better part of me
Seems to be a perfect fit for people who understand the space between the fencepost and each other.
We all have a weakness
But some of ours are easier to identify.
Look me in the eye
And ask for forgiveness;
We'll make a pact to never speak that word again
Yes you are my friend.
We all have something that digs at us,But some of ours are easier to identify.
Look me in the eye
And ask for forgiveness;
We'll make a pact to never speak that word again
Yes you are my friend.
At least we dig each other
So when weakness turns my ego up
I know you'll count on the me from yesterday
If I turn into another
Dig me up from under what is covering
The better part of me
Sing this song
Remind me that we'll always have each other
When everything else is gone.
Remind me that we'll always have each other
When everything else is gone.
We all have a sickness
That cleverly attaches and multiplies
No matter how hard we try.
We all have someone that digs at us,
That cleverly attaches and multiplies
No matter how hard we try.
We all have someone that digs at us,
At least we dig each other
So when sickness turns my ego up
I know you'll act as a clever medicine.
If I turn into another
I know you'll act as a clever medicine.
If I turn into another
Dig me up from under what is covering
The better part of me.
Sing this song!
Remind me that we'll always have each other
When everything else is gone.
Oh each other....
When everything
Else is gone.
Sing this song!
Remind me that we'll always have each other
When everything else is gone.
Oh each other....
When everything
Else is gone.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
From the Road...
I thought it fitting for a couple of the pictures speak for the past few days!
Hopefully, I can hug your necks soon...how about this weekend? :)
Hopefully, I can hug your necks soon...how about this weekend? :)
Bluegrass Sunset
Hmm....Interesting Sign!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
To Make You Smile, Hopefully
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Having had the opportunity to participate in StumbleUpon, thanks to a good friend who suggested it (*Wink* at you c.a.!), one of the many really cool aspects of it is meeting some of the people who participate! Virtually, of course, but still....
I was admiring some AMAZING photography I had stumbled upon when I began wondering (as I am known to do!) so I sent the photographer a message. Well, "peppered" him with questions about equipment, lighting, training, etc. is more accurate! I very honestly identified myself as an "ametuer" - referring to my lack of training and newbie status.
Not only did he respond, but he was extraordinarily kind!!
Here is what he said, which I told him I appreciated so much, I was going to share:
"In our Anglo-Saxon societies the term 'amateur' is usually used in a derogatory sense to suggest a level of ineptitude.
However the word is in fact derived from the Latin 'amator' - which literally means lover, devoted friend, enthusiastic pursuer of an objective -
essentially someone who engages in an activity out of love rather than for profit or acclaim.
I tend to favour the latter definition and thus have no reluctance in using the word to describe myself!" ~ Ben
stumble upon
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Today, For Me

The Judgement card suggests that my alter ego is The Compassionate One, whose superpower lies in revelation of my life and worldly events. I will reflect a sense of gratitude for my life and those involved by showing humility, forgiveness and charity. By doing so, I feel a strong redemption for past events -- a great liberating feeling. I have punished myself enough and am free at last. Clearing the conscience through forgiving yourself and others can bring an overwhelming sense of peace and joy.
LOL How ironic is this card today, for me?
Yeah, yeah, I know, being a good Catholic girl I'm not supposed to "get into" this kind of thing; it's all in fun! You know I don't take it seriously. It's fun, and truth be - it does give one things to ponder, does it not?
Now that I actually LOOK at the card again, it does sort of look like porn! LOLOL Sorry, it's the card that came in my inbox when I signed up for those silly tarot readings. ;-)
Talk amongst yourselves. Heh.
Monday, March 12, 2007
When am I ever going to learn NOT to judge another person, and their behavior?
Sunday, I had to make amends.
I did it the cowardly way and text messaged this person. I got a reply back of, "huh?", and I left it alone.
Then, they called and left a voice message asking for me to call them. I left it alone as well.
When am I ever going to learn not to judge another person, or their behavior?
It occurred to me when I needed to make this amend to the above mentioned person, it was precisely when I feared of being judged myself, by others. I didn't like the result of that careful weighing of reasoning in my daily mental 'trysts'. It was at that very moment that the thought of my judgment on this other person(s) entered my head and I felt the heaviness of remorse upon my heart.
There in lies the selfishness and self-centeredness. Would I have come to this conclusion on my own - that I made a mistake of passing judgment on another if I had no fear of judgment being passed on me, and MY own behavior?
Or better yet, when will I ever learn NOT to go there in the first place; the whole juding of others scenario?
Sunday, I had to make amends.
I did it the cowardly way and text messaged this person. I got a reply back of, "huh?", and I left it alone.
Then, they called and left a voice message asking for me to call them. I left it alone as well.
When am I ever going to learn not to judge another person, or their behavior?
It occurred to me when I needed to make this amend to the above mentioned person, it was precisely when I feared of being judged myself, by others. I didn't like the result of that careful weighing of reasoning in my daily mental 'trysts'. It was at that very moment that the thought of my judgment on this other person(s) entered my head and I felt the heaviness of remorse upon my heart.
There in lies the selfishness and self-centeredness. Would I have come to this conclusion on my own - that I made a mistake of passing judgment on another if I had no fear of judgment being passed on me, and MY own behavior?
Or better yet, when will I ever learn NOT to go there in the first place; the whole juding of others scenario?
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Winds of Change

Another weekend has come and gone. I realize that not every moment of every day can be uplifting...hopeful...positive and shiny....
I spent most of the weekend in a strange funk! I couldn't rise above it or talk myself out of it or shake myself out of it for anything! Even having the eldest come in for her 21st birthday wasn't enough to drag me from the depths of doldrums. A pervasive melancholy. And I think that its roots rode the along the lines of expectations (damn them!) Expecting and hoping. Or in layman's terms: setting myself up for disappointment.
Sure, I smiled...laughed at the appropriate moments (some inappropriate too), but it was such an effort! And really?
Nothing HUGE was wrong in my world. Matter of fact, from the outside looking in it looked pretty damn good!
"How's it going?" I was asked. "PEACHY," I replied, forced smile pulled up tight.
Do you guys find yourself in similar straits?
Now I realize that by asking, the folks that have said SURE! to blogging are, for all practical purposes, walking on clouds in life at the moment! Not to say there aren't some "Bleh" aspects to life, but lets face it: when you're in a new relationship and all the cylinders are firing off in harmony and unity - not much can serve to bring you down! :) And that is as it should be!! And I'm VERY happy for you guys as you both deserve some unlimited sunshiney happiness!! Sort of inspirational, really.
I miss that. But don't worry...its not adding to any funk! I can be happy for your joy while still riding the wave of melancholy.
And for the record? I realize its just feelings and that being the transient things they are...they pass into yesterday!
Which brings me full circle! :) Another weekend has come and gone...and if I lay my head down-quiet my heart's funk-close my eyes and sink into blissful dreaming...then it will be a new day, a new week, and an opportunity to do it better than before!
Friday, March 9, 2007
I'll Try
I feel like I am jumping into a boxing ring with Mike Tyson trying to blog with the professionals here. Gonna give it a try though. We shall see!
Fence Post No. 1
That's a number one fence posting by me anyway.
And....I don't know who all has been invited to participate in this blog so in the meantime I will be keeping my postings obscure and generic.
And....I don't know who all has been invited to participate in this blog so in the meantime I will be keeping my postings obscure and generic.
Harry Connick, Jr.
...in concert last night and yours truly had the privilege of seeing the man in concert. It was a Valentine's day gift. ;-)
I knew Harry was a great musician and I even knew he was a singer but I had NO IDEA the extent of his singing talent. The man can sure 'nuff belt out the tunes. WOW! He was the ever professional and entertaining showman last night.
With him was his approximate 10 man orchestra; trumpets, trumbones, saxophones, drums, and a cello - all played absolutely stunning New Orleans styled bluesy cajun music. I was very impressed and a fantabulous time was had by all.
Harry Connick Jr. Official Website
One word - HAWTNESS!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Another COOL new SITE!!
SO now there's yet ANOTHER place to post!! Only this time, its open to anyone to post to!
Just a place for thoughts....better than keeping them trapped in my head, huh?
Now let me just get my thoughts together...
(um, this could be a while...mingle amongst yourselves)
Just a place for thoughts....better than keeping them trapped in my head, huh?
Now let me just get my thoughts together...
(um, this could be a while...mingle amongst yourselves)
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