Saturday, September 29, 2007

Quiz Time!!

Only because it's been a while and I'm bored. Besides....I really LOVE taking these "getting to know you better" quizzes! HA! Here are my results:

You Are Warm Nights by the Fire

Peaceful and romantic. The best part of fall.

You Are 52% Intuitive

Your intuition is often right, and you use it more than you may realize.

Your gut feelings are usually a good guide, but you need more to go on when making a decision.

You'll often check to see if the facts back up your feelings.

And when your intuition is wrong, you work to improve it for the future.

How You Life Your Life

You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside.

You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.

You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly.

You tend to dream big, but you worry that your dreams aren't attainable.

Sagittarius - Your Love Profile

Your positive traits:

Your playful nature brings out the happy inner-child in dates

You're willing to take risks in love... and reap the rewards

You've got a killer sense of humor that gets talking with any hottie you meet

Your negative traits:

Sometimes your sarcasm comes off as biting and abrasive

You can be brutally honest, tactless, and truthful even when it hurts

You're such a free spirit that you find it hard to commit to one person

Your ideal partner:

Someone high energy who will pick up and out with you whenever

Is creative and fun - thinking of new adventures for the two of you

Is bold... and not afraid to tell you "I love you" early on

Your dating style:

Unpredictable. You never know how the night is going to end up.

Your seduction style:

Daring. You're always pushing to try something new in the bedroom.

Full of imagination. You've always got a new fantasy you're dying to try.

Spiritually driven. Sex for you can be an other-worldly act.

Tips for the future:

Realize that while freedom is great - sometimes a stable relationship is better.

It's not all about you. Focus on your partner's needs every once and a while.

Make up your mind about your partner, and stick to it. Your fickle will ruin things otherwise.

Best color to attract mate: Purple

Best day for a date: Thursday

Your Dominant Thinking Style: Visioning

You are very insightful and tend to make decisions based on your insights.

You focus on how things should be - even if you haven't worked out the details.

An idealist, thinking of the future helps you guide your path.

You tend to give others long-term direction and momentum.

You Are Paper

Crafty and creative, you are able to adapt freely to almost any situation.

People tend to underestimate you, unless they've truly seen what you are capable of.

Deep down, you're always scheming and thinking up new plans. Your mind is constantly active.

You are quite capable of anything you dream of. You can always figure out a way to get what you want.

You can wrap a rock person up in your sheet of trickery.

A scissor person can sneak up and cut you to pieces.

When you fight: No one can anticipate your next move

If someone makes you mad: You'll attack them mercilessly when they're unprepared

OH OK OK, enough already! Go take some other quizzes of your own and share the results here!